How I support Windows, Mac and Linux

10th Jan 2019 12:03 GMT - I just wanted to write a positive article that might help others. So please don’t use this post as a stick to beat others. It’s a complex issue of dev experience, team size and frankly money. We’re all just trying to …

Smith and Winston - Update #3

Today we released the third update to Smith and Winston (only two more to go before it’s finished!). I’ll cover the new levels, bugfixes, tweaks and the future development in this post.

Smith and Winston - Update #2

Earlier than promised (by only a day) we’ve released the second update to Smith and Winston. Of course we’re really excited to hear what you guys think of the new levels including another secret level! Can you find it?

Get lost in the ancient underground temples but watch …

Smith and Winston - Update #1

We are amazingly happy to release Update #1 to everyone! It’s been two weeks of hard work, over 50 bug fixes, three new levels and a metric tonne of tweaking and balancing. Thanks for all the feedback from the initial release. Smith and Winston is now EVEN better.

So …

Smith and Winston - First Access

Well it’s been a long long four years and Smith and Winston isn’t done yet but it is a major milestone for us. We’re opening the game up for first-access.

Why not just wait and release it? Well when you’ve worked on something for so long …

Smith and Winston mentioned in Kotaku UK - We’re sexy!

We’re not that great at promoting Smith and Winston. It’s not finished yet, so we’re very busy, but we also know that we need to get as many people to see the game before it’s done so they know it exists. So we are very grateful …

New Year, new HUD

One of the elements we’ve iterated on the most in Smith and Winston has been the HUD. It really is hard to convey all the information in a quick and timely manner to the player. This is especially true for a game with as fast action as Smith and …

Installing MacOS 9.2 on my Power Mac G4 (Sawtooth)

For reasons that are obscure even to me, I felt the desire to unarchive some old DAT tapes that have been sitting around my house for the last 20 years. They were backed up with Retrospect backup about 20 years ago on an old PowerMac 7100/80 when I worked …

Mounting USB sticks autmatically in FreeBSD

Getting USB devices to automount in FreeBSD is harder and more complex that it needs to be. All the parts are there but what makes it hard is that it’s changed over the years so you can get yourself in a right pickle. Here is what I did to …

Merry XMas and a happy new year

We took one of the secret levels from Smith and Winston and played with it for a few days to make a Christmas style level. We’ll probably hide this level somewhere in the game, maybe it will only appear on Christmas day?

Anyway, we hope everyone has a really …