MSVC Print All Predefined #Defines

Sometimes you really need to know what defines your compiler has on by default.


I spent some time playing around with CSGJS over the weekend. It’s a great library. I thought it might be interesting to port it to C++.

After quite a lot of googling I found that someone had already done most of the hard work here which was nice and …

How I support Windows, Mac and Linux

10th Jan 2019 12:03 GMT - I just wanted to write a positive article that might help others. So please don’t use this post as a stick to beat others. It’s a complex issue of dev experience, team size and frankly money. We’re all just trying to …

In Defence of Writing Your Own Engine

Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the trouble makers, the engine-eers! - dazza

After reading this excellent blog from ZeroEqualsFalse I thought I’d counter with a defence for writing and deploying your own engine.

I’ve been writing “engines” for 20 years both professionally and for fun. I …

Bullet Physics: Query objects within a volume

I need to preform a query of the game world to find all Game Objects within a volume. Preferably a sphere but any convex shape would be good. I struggled with this for a few hours before realising it’s actually pretty easy. Bullet Physics is amazing but sometimes simple …

LuaJIT stopped working

Came across an interesting feature/artifact of using LuaJIT today.

In Smith and Winston we use the bit package that LuaJIT provides to flag and mask collisions. The types of collision (for example world, bullet, vehicle) were hard coded on both the engine and Lua side. Today I moved toward …

Grabbing keyboard input in Qt

I’m currently writing an editor for our next game. We’ve used many tool in the past (Blender, Tiled & Mappy) to make games but we thought it was really time to invest in our own code base. This was heavily influenced by the great experience we had using Unity3D …

Why I Chose Not To Use Unity3D

I evaluated Unity3D for a few months before deciding NOT to use it. It’s a really, really great tool and it was a tough decision. Ultimately I felt like there was more resitance to steady progress using Unity3D over extending/upgrading my own code. Here is a rough guide …

Integrating Lua and my C++ Game Engine

If you want to cut to the chase you can download the code here.

This isn’t a very well written blog post, it’s more of a dump of my thoughts as I tested out LuaBridge and didn’t get to trying out OOLua.

Once again I am starting …

Moving from qmake to CMake

After working with Qt5.x for a few months and really starting to enjoy the flexibility of qmake and QtCreator I decided to try using CMake to build XCode and MSVC proejcts.

After turning on C++11 a few weeks ago I found that QtCreator debugging became more difficult as …